• Designed for customer's convenience
• Uninterrupted gas service
• We will monitor your consumption of LP gas and deliver without notification
- adding additional propane appliance(s), damage or neglecting a building, appliance malifuntion, interruption of power, additional occupants or other factors that may cause extra gas consumption will need to be communicated to Wolf Propane
• Obstructed or severly restricted access to the delivery site will result in non-deliverable propane
- after initial attmept, the customer will need to notify Wolf Propane when the delivery site can be accessed
• Automatic Delivery in not an option for customers using an alternate heat source, heating seasonal homes or heating structures such as garages/shops on an intermittent basis.
• Customer is responsible for monitoring fuel levels and contacting our office for delivery
• Office will need to be contacted when your tank reads 25% and we will deliver gas to your tank within 5 business days
• If you delay in contacting us there may be additional charges:
- Delivery After Normal Routing - $75.00
- Delivery After Normal Business Hours - $150.00
- Delivery on Holidays - $200.00
• If your tank is out of propane when we arrive (within the 5 business days), a system leak check must be performed before placing it back into service.
- There will be an additional fee of $50.00 for this system leak check
• A minimum order of propane is 200 gallons or a fill for smaller tanks is required for delivery